Thor- God of Thunder

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thor lost his hammer?

                This is a story of Thor entering the land of Giant to find his missing hammer. Thor wakes up one day and figure out he missing his hammer. He and Loki seek for Freyia by borrowing feather robe to find his hammer. The feather flies away then take them to the land of Thrym, the King of the Thurse. Loki manage to ask Thrym where he hide Thor hammer, but Thrym said: " He wants the Freyia to be his bride in exchange of Thor hammer." Thor tells Freyia to dress up to be Thrym's bride. That makes Freyia angry and rage. They come up with a plan how to retrieve Thor's hammer. Heimdall, the fairest of the gods and one of the prophetic Vanir, foretells them to let Thor dress up as woman by wearing blessing necklace and woman clothes to fool Thrym. Loki will dress as servant girl in order for two of them enter the Land of Giants. They manage to fool the Thrym at the mead hall. The giant sister come and beg for bridal gift which are red golden rings from Thor's arms. Thrym tell his servant to bring out Thor hammer as show off. Thor under woman dress, he laughs then strike down Thrym with no mercy for stealing his hammer. He also killed the giant sister who begging for bridal gift. Finally, his hammer has returned to Thor.

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